

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Method of Scoring

Method of Scoring of Rugby:

How the Rugby is played and what's the fixed rules to play it...that is regulated and control by the International Rugby Board (IRB). They control the "Laws of the Game - Rugby Union".

Try. When an attacking player is first to ground the ball in the opponents’ in-goal, a try is scored.
Penalty Try. If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarded between the goal posts.
Conversion Goal. When a player scores a try it gives the player’s team the right to attempt to score a goal by taking a kick at goal; this also applies to a penalty try. This kick is a conversion kick: a conversion kick can be a place kick or a drop kick.
Penalty Goal. A player scores a penalty goal by kicking a goal from a penalty kick.
Dropped Goal. A player scores a dropped goal by kicking a goal from a drop kick in general play. The team awarded a free kick cannot score a dropped goal until the ball next becomes dead, or until an opponent has played or touched it, or has tackled the ball carrier. This restriction applies also to a scrum taken instead of a free kick.
(a) If after the ball is kicked, it touches the ground or any team-mate of the kicker, a goal cannot be scored.
(b) If the ball has crossed the crossbar a goal is scored, even if the wind blows it back into the field of play.
(c) If an opponent commits an offense as the kick at goal is being taken, but nevertheless the kick is successful, advantage is played and the score stands.
(d) Any player who touches the ball in an attempt to prevent a penalty goal being scored is illegally touching the ball.

(a) The kicker must use the ball that was in play unless it is defective.
(b) The kick is taken on a line through the place where the try was scored.
(c) A placer is a team-mate who holds the ball for the kicker to kick.
(d) The kicker may place the ball directly on the ground or on sand, sawdust or a kicking tee approved by the Union.
(e) The kicker must take the kick within one minute from the time the kicker has indicated an intention to kick. The intention to kick is signaled by the arrival of the kicking tee or sand, or the player makes a mark on the ground. The player must complete the kick within the minute even if the ball rolls over and has to be placed again.
(a) All the kicker’s team, except the placer, must be behind the ball when it is kicked.
(b) Neither the kicker nor a placer must do anything to mislead their opponents into charging too soon.
(c) If the ball falls over before the kicker begins the approach to kick, the referee permits the
kicker to replace it without excessive delay. While the ball is replaced, the opponents must stay behind their goal line. If the ball falls over after the kicker begins the approach to kick, the kicker may then kick or attempt a dropped goal. If the ball falls over and rolls away from the line through the place where the try was scored, and the kicker then kicks the ball over the crossbar, a goal is scored. If the ball falls over and rolls into touch after the kicker begins the approach to kick, the kick is disallowed.
(a) All players of the opposing team must retire to their goal line and must not overstep that line until the kicker begins the approach to kick or starts to kick. When the kicker does this, they may charge or jump to prevent a goal but must not be physically supported by other players in these actions.
(b) When the ball falls over after the kicker began the approach to kick, the opponents may continue to charge.
(c) A defending team must not shout during a kick at goal.


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